Wednesday, December 07, 2005

This one goes out to all my pastor friends out there, especially you Dan, thought you'd appreciate it.

I was reading through my notes and thoughts from the Catalyst conference I was able to go to a couple months ago (yes, there are more boring things in the world than reading this stuff) when I came across a comment one of my friends made. He works in a company that spends most of their time working with pastors in one way or another, and after what he told me I am thankful he is already a Christian.

He said that the pastors they work with are notorious for being very dishonest and deceptive. One of my favorite stories was how he was trying to get in touch with one of the pastors he was working with so he called the church. The receptionist answered and so he asked to speak with the pastor. There was a short pause during which he faintly heard something like this in the background:

"It's Bill from Atlanta."
"What does he want?"
"I don't know."
"Well, just tell him I'm not here."

Back on the phone, "I'm sorry, he's not here right now would you like his voice mail?"

My friend just left it at that but I thought it would have been sweet if he had said, "Can you ask him when he'll be back?"

Anyway, because of things like this they use the word pastor in the way that most people use a word that rhymes with
pastor(d). The d is there to help if you're a little slow.

Crap like this makes it so clear why pastors are not respected and most people couldn't care less about the church. I'm out.

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