Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Happiest Time of the Year

Approximately two weeks, three days, eleven hours, and four mintues from now I will enter a state of melancholy. You may be wondering, "Trevor, are you a prophet?" And I would quickly tell you that I am not, though I have read things written by prophets in the Bible. No, the thing that will signal a lowering of my happy estate is the end of the football season. Somehow the NBA just doesn't fill the void.

So we were going to have a Super Bowl party for our young adult group at church to mark the end of the happiest time of the year. Then as I was driving yesterday I was struck with the thought that I was perpetuating something I'm less than a fan of, which is Christians spending all their time with other Christians. The Super Bowl is something many people in the world love (or at least they want to watch the commercials) and is therefore a great chance to hang out with neighbors and friends who not Christians. So we're abandoning the church party for a people party. Go Broncos!

1 comment:

Dan Luebcke said...

POS!!!!!!!!! I think the H.S. room has already been reserved! You might want to check!