Monday, March 20, 2006

Sometimes Rambling Leads to the Reclamation of a Beautiful Word

I am sitting at my desk trying to think what to write about. I am not inspired nor have I observed some interesting anomoly of culture about which to spew (that cannot be how you spell that, but to redeem myself I will spell antidisestablismentarianism (that's it, don't wait for the spelling because I just spelled it)). So if you haven't quit reading already you may be asking why my fingers are tickling the plastic of my keyboard to begin with. The main reason is that a very good friend of mine goads me if I go to long without writing, and he has proved himself worthy of being a goader in this area because he blogs about fourteen times a day. I have a strong desire to please Mr. Luebcke in the frequency of my electronic journaling/rambling.

But now that I mention it, why is goad such an underused word? Not only does it sound mysterious and inticing, but it also makes a sweet acrostic.

Ankle biting

Also, Goader would be a wonderful moniker for a rapper. I imagine he would win best song at the Oscars just like Three Six Mofia.

Due to the magnificence of the word goad and its various forms I am glad to be writing today thanks to the goading of a dear friend. Everyone get out there and goad someone!

P.S. The picture above is of Mr. Billy Goad. If you don't believe me google it.

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