Friday, April 07, 2006

Man-diva Disappointment

This week Mandisa was booted off American Idol. Even if you hate the show, listen to her because she was amazing. So she was voted off while a guy named Bucky who sings about as well as Kevin Federline with a cowboy hat and Ace who can't really sing but can give you this glossy "I just smoked weed" staredown at the end of each song are still in. I thought of some comparisons for what it's like to have these two still in and Mandisa (her nickname was Man-diva (which my brother pointed out is kind of an unfortunate nickname, I'm sure the intention was nice but who wants to be called Man-diva?)) out.

It's like:

Gilbert Godfrey winning best actor at the Oscars for his performance in "I Know My Voice is Wierd, Deal with it: Reloaded."

Spilling orange juice on a napkin and then having it framed and hung in the Luve (I know I don't know how to spell that, but I'm not French so give me a break!).

Going to a U2 concert only to realize they're only singing three songs because they're just opening for 98 Degrees.

The Prayer of Jabez being used as a theology textbook at a seminary.

And my favorite, it's like totally stupid dude!


Dan Luebcke said...

Bucky or Ace should have been gone!

Ryan 1 said...

You guys are huge nerds. And it's the Louvre.