Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Brangelina's His/Her Own Baby Daddy/Momma

Is Brittany Spears pregnant right now? Is she going to get divorced? In which country will Brangelina have their baby (and who is Brangelina?)? What happened to Bennifer? And why the heck do I know the answers to these questions?!?!?

Before you finish your current thought (which if you're not self-aware is "Trevor, you are so worldly, caught up in American culture and addicted to Access Hollywood.") I would guess that you knew the answers too, so I'm judging you as much as you're judging me right now (Well, probably not quite as much since you're more judgmental than I am).

Why are we so enamoured with celebrity in our country. Why do we care whether Brittany is pregnant or not? I can't remember the last time I saw a pregnant woman on the street and thought, "I can't believe she's pregnant and I wonder who the father is and I wonder if she'll sell the contract for the first picture of the baby (which I heard Brangelina sold for $6.2 million) and I wonder if she'll have lyposuction after." Yet we ask all these questions about celebrities.

I think this is something in American culture that can be considered idolatry a lot of the time. We look at celebrities like they are gods, thus people make a living stalking them to shoot them (with cameras). It's just wierd and crazy wierd. That's all I'm saying.


Ryan 1 said...

Amen broseph. Plus, this attitude makes celebrities so pompous and self-important. I saw an ad for Oprah's dinner (that's not what it was called but it was something like that). It looked like Oprah had a bunch of celebrities over for dinner and that's such an amazing thing that somebody better put in on tv. Who cares? I sure don't. When I have friends over for supper nobody puts in on tv. I hate this so bad. Plus, England is as bad as the us. They're crazy about celebrities. I hate the whole market. Plus, the people who get famous usually have the least talent.

Trevor said...

I would like your dinner parties to be on tv if I was invited, but I'm not.