Thursday, June 01, 2006

What Reese's and Cigarettes Have In Common

Today in our staff meeting the official candy supplier of the group, Dori, brought some Reese's peanut butter cups and Skittles (which was especially nice since she's on sabbadical). Everything seemed pretty normal, people picked their fav and got after it. I was housing the Skittles minus the red ones (I hate cherry and even though they're strawberry now I still have a mental block, so I gave them to Jim), when all of the sudden Jim read something that made the room fall to silence.

He had chosen to tear into the Reese's cups and since he had demolished them he had nothing left to do but look at the wrapper. As he was looking at the wrapper he noticed some writing on the inside and it was these words that changed the mood of the room in seconds, it said, "Candy is a treat. Please consume in moderation." That's right kiddies, no more eating Reese's cups until you want to vomit, oh no, now you have to consume them in moderation. Kind of like cigarettes.

But don't get too dejected, the Skittles didn't have a warning.

1 comment:

Dan Luebcke said...

Trevor, I enjoyed watching you pound Skittles next to me...your an inspiration when it comes to NOT eating candy in moderation...thanks for paving the way!