Friday, September 01, 2006

Bachelors' Weekend

Michelle and Ayla are going home on the range to Indiana this week, so Isaiah and I are bachelors for the weekend. This is our first time being together, just the two of us, and I'm looking forward to it. We're going to go to the park, the museum, and watch football! Many thanks to my brother and his wife who will be watching him ALL DAY Sunday while I work.


Dan Luebcke said...

Chris and I are looking forward to Saturday!


Anonymous said...

So how's the boys' weekend going? Looking forward to an update.

Cory said...

I'm sorry you had to watch a sickening performance by the Irish. They'd better wake up, and get another field goal kicker.

Does Isaiah miss me?

Trevor said...

The weekend was great! The highlight was going to the children's museum and then watching Isaiah dance to the hip hop at Quizno's. We're glad to have Michelle and Ayla back!