Monday, February 13, 2006


I think it's worth reading, though the content can be summed up pretty easily. Basically the point is that our brain processes things quickly in ways that are as accurate or even more accurate than if we sit and think through the same things logically. For instance, in a basketball game, Brett (my friend the basketball coach) knows which plays to call or has ideas on how to switch things up that he has to come up with in seconds. He can't call a 30 minute timeout to think it all through and come up with a strategy. It is also essential that he has spent a lot of time studying basketball, studying the other team, and knowing what works for his team. So his judgments are not based on nothing, but because of his preparation his snap decisions will probably be just as good as the decisions he'd make if he had time to sit down and think things through.

The rest of the book deals with times when our snap decisions are dangerous and other things that impact our ability to make good judgments.

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