Friday, March 31, 2006

Insurance, Sminsurance (Or Something Like That)

I think insurance companies are unlike any other entity in the world. Kind of like Little Richard or Michael Jackson, only at least those two don't try to mess you over any chance they get. Basically the way insurance companies work is they sell you some piece of paper that means nothing except if your house goes up in flames or your car gets totaled they'll reimburse you for some of it after you call them at least ten times and talk to ten different people who all say they can help you and then don't. Then, when they finally do help you, they jack up the rates because you actually used your service.

Imagine paying Comcast $90 a month or whatever it is for cable and then one day, after watching SportsCenter five times in a row, even though it's the same thing every time but you just can't pull yourself away, you get a call from a Comcast rep.

"Hello, sir. I see you actually used your cable. Since you decided to turn it on your rates will now be $110 a month. You might want to think twice about doing something stupid like that again."

And with insurance it's not like you do something to try and use it. "Hmm, maybe I'll break something in my house today so I can make an insurance claim. I just want to see how much my rates will go up." It's the only thing I can think of in the world where you buy something and do your best to never use it. This is why I'm convinced there will be no insurance on the new earth and that the serpent is responsible for the fact that we have it in the first place.

1 comment:

Ryan 1 said...

Insurance completely subverts the whole idea of our economy. Supply and demand. How is there demand for something that isn't supplied? That's why if you make no claims, you should get your money back, and if you do make a claim, it shouldn't effect your rates at all. Insurance companies are the greatest legal scam of all time.