Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Becoming Rhythmic

I have always looked forward to the next big event of life. My birthday, the first day of school, going to summer camp, moving on to junior high then high school then college then seminary, getting a date getting engaged and getting married, having a kid and then having another one. It seems I have lived life seeing 90% of it as a means to an end. The necessary time waiting in line before hopping on the roller coaster. Mundane but something you had to put up with to get the next high.

Now that I'm old(er) I'm learning to see that all of life is to be enjoyed. I'm learning to appreciate the rhythm of life. Getting up, seeing my family, working, relaxing, cooking, reading, sleeping. I guess none of those are mountain-top experiences, but they're all great. They're my life, the life God has given me to enjoy. I'm learning to love the road and not just the destination.

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