Thursday, January 18, 2007


I was watching the ol' television last night for the first time in almost a week (I don't know why I need to tell you that, apparently I have a nagging sense of guilt for how much I watch television and feel the need to say I don't watch it much (which I guess I wouldn't have if I really didn't watch it much), and I saw a commercial that I liked less than having another snow storm.

Before I describe what exactly it was, you know it's going to be bad from the get-go when it's an imitation of a commercial that has had some success. You know the "easy button" commercials for Staples? I guess some marketing exec for Office Depot was watching that and thought, "that's pretty clever. We should have an easy button commercial. Oh, wait, we can't because then they'll sue us for all our self-sealing envelopes and over-priced ink cartridges. Whatever shall we do? And why am I using words like shall? I am so awesome. My vocabulary is vociferous and voracious. I know! Instead of an easy button we'll have a disembodied arm come out of a box and point at things! Will my boisterousness never end? Wherefore shalt I matriculate to henceforth?" (At this point I should note that I do know wherefore means why and not where, I have more sense than this guy.)

And thus the "disembodied hand coming out of a box and pointing at things" commercial was born. I seriously can't believe someone thought it would be a good idea. Not only is it copying another company, but it makes you wonder what kind person comes up with unattached body parts as a good idea to promote their company.


Jon the legal immigrant said...

Staples now sells "easy" buttons at the checkout counter.

Does Office Depot sell the disembodied pointing arm? I lose stuff all the time around the house and could really use that!

Very nice post.

Cory said...

I came up with the idea. They hired me for a freelance marketing campaign. I'm sorry you don't care for it.